デュエルビッツ プロモーションコード Welding Business to make organizational changes


デュエルビッツ プロモーションコードel, Ltd.

デュエルビッツ プロモーションコードel, Ltd.’s Welding Business will change the name of the Marketing Department to the Marketing Center and will make other organizational changes effective January 1, 2017.

1.Background and purpose

The Welding Business is implementing a basic policy of strengthening the three “Ms” of marketing capabilities, monodukuri capabilities and manpower to achieve its goal of becoming “the world’s most reliable solutions company” under デュエルビッツ プロモーションコード Fiscal 2016-2020 Medium-Term Group Management Plan.

The environment surrounding the welding business is anticipated to see domestic demand gradually recovering centered on the construction industry. However, in overseas markets, demand in China, South Korea and Asia on the whole, North America and Europe is anticipated to continue being sluggish. With competition intensifying, uncertainty over the future outlook is increasing.

Under these conditions, it is important from a global standpoint to further strengthen marketing functions and activities, from market and product strategies by region and area to business planning and implementation. With further cooperation within the Group in Japan and overseas, the Welding Business aims to create products, services and welding solutions that customers truly seek. To promote a structure that can deliver KOBELCO’s welding products of value throughout the world, the Welding Business will reorganize the Marketing Department into the Marketing Center.

2.Organizational changes

(1) New establishment of the Marketing Center

The Marketing Department will be called the Marketing Center. Within the Marketing Center, the following departments will be newly established:

  • The Marketing Department (Japan) will be newly established and will form the upper organization for various domestic marketing sections.
  • The International Sales & Marketing Section and the international planning function in the Planning & Administration Department will be combined to form the Global Operations & Marketing Department.
  • The Marketing Planning Section will be under the direct supervision of the Marketing Center.

(2) Other

The System Section in the Planning & Administration Department will become the ITC Planning Group.

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